The eighth General Assembly of the CoFBAT project was organized by VARTA Microbattery at their headquarters in Ellwangen, Germany on the 26th of April 2023. The GA focused on the four active work packages. The first presentation was by Iratxe de Meatza, who presented the progress in WP4, Process development for components and cell assembly, followed by an overview of WP5 Testing and characterisation of battery cells to gain insights into ageing phenomena and for optimisation purposes by Joseba Orive.
After a coffee break, Jonathan Schubert presented the developments in WP6 Design and prototyping of the 21700 battery cells followed by Fabian Diaz who provided an overview of WP7 Life cycle analysis and cost assessment and recycling. After the lunch, Fatima Ahmed showed the CoFBAT project dissemination activities as part of WP8 and Arjo Roersch van der Hoogte closed the GA with an update on the progress of the management of the project.

The second part of the GA was organized by the host VARTA Microbattery and included a visit to several parts of the production facilities and in the evening the partners enjoyed a typical German dinner in Ellwangen.