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CoFBAT hosts its final General Assembly

CoFBAT hosted its final General Assembly in Brussels, Belgium on the 20th March 2024.

Representatives from Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Technical University of Denmark (TOR) delivered welcoming remarks, setting the tone for a day of collaboration and innovation.

As the agenda progressed, attention shifted to the various work packages that served as the foundation of the CoFBAT project. Work Package 8 (WP8) took centre stage, with emphasis on Dissemination, Exploitation Strategy, and Business Plan. EASE, the communication work package's lead, has unveiled a strategic roadmap aimed at maximising the impact of CoFBAT's breakthroughs in the larger community.

Next, Work Package 4 (WP4) came under the spotlight as it examined Process Development for Components and Cell Assembly. As a leading authority on materials science, CID helped pave the way for improved performance and dependability by offering insightful information about the complex procedures that go into making advanced battery components.

After that, participants were given a tour of Work Package 5 (WP5), which covered battery cell testing and characterization. By applying their expertise in characterization techniques, CICe laid the foundation for future developments in the field by clarifying the crucial role that testing plays in comprehending ageing phenomena and maximising battery performance.

Work Package 6 (WP6), which was centred on the design and prototyping of 30-amp battery cells, took centre stage as the event resumed. Excited and eager attendees were sparked by VMB's innovative designs, which aim to push the limits of energy storage capabilities.

As the day came to an end, focus shifted to Work Package 1 (WP1), which covered Management Aspects and gave a thorough summary of the project's accomplishments. As project coordinators, TOR took time to review the journey and conveyed their appreciation to all parties involved for their steadfast support and commitment.

A guided tour of VUB's cutting-edge labs provided attendees with a last look at the cutting-edge research that makes CoFBAT successful. A friendly dinner served as a fitting capstone, with attendees toasting to the successes and friendships they had made along the way.

In conclusion, the CoFBAT General Assembly demonstrated the effectiveness of teamwork and creativity in advancing battery technology. As the attendees left feeling inspired and accomplished, the legacy of the ground-breaking discoveries made by CoFBAT was set to influence energy storage for many years to come.


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This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 875126

© Copyright CoFBAT 2020 EASE

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