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Outcomes of the second CoFBAT webinar

On 24 January CoFBAT held its second webinar “ Webinar on material and component upscaling & recyclability and sustainability” with over 40 attendees from industry and academy, organised by UNIRESEARCH and EASE.

The webinar was introduced to the audience by CoFBAT project Coordinator Carlos Concepcion who gave an overview of the project and presented the speakers: Harald Kren from VARTA INNOVATION, Iratxe de Meatza from CIDETEC and Monika Keutmann from MiMITECH.

The webinar allowed the audience to get an insight on the advances of the project . On behalf of VARTA INNOVATION integration of the cell concept on product line for 21700 cells was reviewed, as well as key procedures on upscaling together with an assessment of critical steps. CIDETEC highlighted the testing of cell concept on small pouch cells. The final presentation focused on the recycling concept developed within CoFBAT and the recycling efficiency obtained. Last but not least important sustainability assessment and LCA were shown.

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This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 875126

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