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CoFBAT holds its online third General Assembly on 4 and 5 November 2020

On Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 November, the third General Assembly of the CoFBAT project took place. Once again, the impossibility to travel around Europe led to the necessity of holding the meeting online, like in the second General Assembly in May 2020.

On the first day, partners covered both in the morning and afternoon Work Packages 2 to 7, touching upon: Definition of use cases (WP2, led by Varta Storage), Materials development, optimisation and upscaling (WP3, led by Solvay), Process development for components and cell assembly (WP4, led by Cidetec), Testing and Characterisation of battery cells (WP5, led by CIC EnergiGUNE), Design and prototyping of 30Ah battery cell (WP6, led by Varta Microbattery) and Life cycle analysis, cost assessment and recycling (WP7, led by Mimitech)

On the second day, WP8 for Communication, dissemination and exploitation activities was presented by EASE, followed by WP1 touching upon Project Management (led by TORRECID and Uniresearch). The meeting continued with a Risk Management Workshop, targeted at reporting foreseen and unforeseen risks - a topic that is quite useful for a project like CoFBAT, whose laboratory activities were unfortunately impacted by Covid-19.

The meeting was a useful opportunity for the Consortium to be united and summarise this first year (already?) of the project, in order to be on the same page for our future activities.


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This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 875126

© Copyright CoFBAT 2020 EASE

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