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CoFBAT and BATRAW: collaboration of H2020 projects

Updated: Jun 9, 2023

Critical raw material supply is a key issue in battery development. More efficient use of resources and efficient recycling processes are needed to reduce EU import dependency on third countries and contribute to ambitious climate targets by 2030. Among them, Lithium and Cobalt stand out. Batteries contain CRMs cobalt (Co), lithium (Li), C-graphite, and other high-value metals such as nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn). To overcome this situation research on novel cell concepts as well as recycling are required. CoFBAT project (Horizon 2020 No 875126) focus on storage solutions. It develops Cobalt-free batteries, and safer cells by using gel polymer.

Cathode co-free materials like LMNO have been developed as well as cobalt-free Si-C and TNO anode, tailored to gel polymer electrolyte. Initial recycling on novel cell concept has shown the experimental capability of over 90 % recovery on Li and Mn in these cells. To further reduce the dependency on the European level on raw materials and implement the successful development of LMNO and NMC on a European level that would push CoFBAT technology, it is needed to implement a raw materials supply. In this context, BATRAW ( Horizon Europe Nº 101058359) focus on the development of recycling technology of Li, Co, Mn Ni. BATRAW will strengthen the technology and scale up at semi-industrial plant the recycling processes. Synergies between both projects help to implement advanced solutions in the market.


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This Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 875126

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